Fu-Sheng Chen


Fu-Sheng Chen, Ph.D., Professor

Principal Investigator, Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed, Jiangxi Agricultural University

Director, Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Subtropical Forest Resource Cultivation, Jiangxi Agricultural University

Director, Jiulianshan National Observation and Research Station of Chinese Forest Ecosystem

Dean, College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University

Selected as a member of the National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talents Project, a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions to the country, a leading talent in forestry and grassland science and technology innovation in China, a renowned teacher in forestry and grassland education in China, a high-end talent in scientific and technological innovation under the Jiangxi provincial "Double Thousand" Plan, and entitled to special government allowances from the State Council of China.

E-mail: chenfusheng@jxau.edu.cn

Address: 1101 Fangzhimin Road, Nanchang Economic and Technology Development District, Nanchang Jiangxi, 330045, China

Research Interests

1. Silvicuture of pine and Chinese fir plantations, with a focus on nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration

2. Subtropical forest ecology, with a focus on soil process and litter decomposition

3. Plant diversity and function, with a focus on leaf and root traits and their plasticity

Major Research Projects:

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Regulation Mechanism of Root and Leaf Characteristics and Plasticity of Transplanted Tree Species on Carbon Sequestration and Sequestration in Low Efficiency Pine Forests in Southern Jiangxi (32471851), 500000 yuan, principal investigator;

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on leaf litter and fine root traits and decomposition of major tree species in evergreen broad-leaved forests (32171759), 600000 yuan, principal investigator;

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon and Microbial Participation Mechanisms in Agricultural and Forestry Ecosystems under the Background of Climate Change (31930070) -- Research on the Formation and Stability of Forest Soil Carbon Pool under the Background of Global Change, 1.02 million yuan, Co-principal investigator;

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Responses of Rhizosphere and Root Leaf Nutrients of Main Tree Species to Phosphorus Addition in Evergreen Broad leaved Forest in the Eastern Nanling Mountains (31870427), 600000 yuan, principal investigator;

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Environmental Plasticity of Root and Leaf Functional Attributes of Subtropical Artificial Forest Supplementary Planting and Its Impact on Productivity (31730014)--Competitive Effects between Subtropical Artificial Forest Supplementary Planting Species and Target Species, and Response Mechanism of Root and Leaf Functional Attributes to Light Environment, 1.01 million yuan, principal investigator;

6. Key R&D Program of Jiangxi Province (Class B), Screening and Structural Optimization Technology for Low Efficiency Artificial Forests in Jitai Basin (20181ACH80006), 500000 yuan, principal investigator;

7. National Key Research and Development Program, Project 2: Effects of Types and Structures of Artificial Forests on Material Cycle Processes, Topic 4: Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Structures on Material Cycle Processes in Masson Pine and Chinese Fir Forests (2016YFD0600202-2), 850000 yuan, co-principal investigator;

8. Central Financial Forestry Science and Technology Promotion Demonstration Project "Demonstration of High Yield Cultivation Techniques for Fresh Jujube in Southern Hilly and Mountainous Areas" (JXTG [2015] -07), 1 million yuan, principal investigator;

9. National Key Basic Research Development Program, 973 Project: Mechanism of the Impact of Forest Structure on Ecosystem Nutrient Balance (2012CB416903), Fourth Special Topic: The Impact of Forest Structure Adjustment and Nutrient Management Methods on Ecosystem Nutrient Balance and C, N and P Stoichiometric Ratio, 1.09 million yuan, principal investigator;

10. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Interaction Mechanism between Root Growth and Litter Decomposition of Under Forest Plants in Degraded Red Soil Areas (31360179), 550000 yuan, principal investigator;

11. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition on Rhizosphere Processes and Leaf Nutrient Properties of Artificial Forests in Hilly Red Soil (31160107), 550000 yuan, principal investigator;

12. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Rhizosphere Effects in Typical Forest Land for Vegetation Restoration in Mountain Rivers and Lakes Engineering (30960311), 270000 yuan, principal investigator;

13. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Transformation, Absorption, and Ecological Stoichiometry of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Urban Rural Gradient Forest Soil (30600473), 180000 yuan, principal investigator.

Selected Publications

1. Bu WS#, Wang F-C#, Zhang C-C, Bruelheide H, Fang XM, Wang H-M, Chen F-S*. The contrasting effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizations on the growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata depend on the season in subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 482: 118874. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118874

2. Bu W-S, Gu H-J, Zhang C-C, Zhang Y, Singh AN, Fang X-M, Fan J, Wang HM, Chen F-S*. Mixed broadleaved tree species increases soil phosphorus availability but decreases the coniferous tree nutrient concentration in subtropical China. forests, 2020, 11, 461: doi:10.3390/f11040461.

3. Bu, W.S., Chen, F.S.*, Wang, F.C., Fang, X.M., Mao, R., Wang, H.M. The species-specific responses of nutrient resorption and carbohydrates accumulation in leaves and roots to nitrogen addition in a subtropical mixed plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2019, 49: 826–835. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0322

4. Chao Huang, Jingfeng Huang*, Jingfeng Xiao, Xing Li, Hong S. He, Yu Liang, Fusheng Chen*, Hanqin Tian. Global convergence in the response of terrestrial gross primary production to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit. Science China Life Sciences, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-023-2475-9

5. Chen FS*, Wang GG*, Fang XM, Wan SZ, Zhang Y, Liang C. Nitrogen deposition effect on forest litter decomposition is interactively regulated by endogenous litter quality and exogenous resource supply. Plant and Soil, 2019, 437: 413-426, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019-04006-z

6. Chen, F. S., Chen, G. S., Zeng, D. H.*, Liang, C. The effects of peat and weathered coal on the growth of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings on aeolian sandy soil. Journal of Forestry Research, 2002, 13(4): 251-254.

7. Chen, F. S., Zeng, D. H.*, Singh, A. N., Chen, G. S. Effects of soil moisture and soil depth on nitrogen mineralization process under Mongolian pine plantations in Zhanggutai sandy land, P. R. China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2005, 16(2): 101-104.

8. Chen, F.S.*, Duncan, D.S., Hu, X.F., Liang, C. Exogenous nutrient manipulations alter endogenous extractability of carbohydrates in decomposing foliar litters under a typical mixed forest of subtropics. Geoderma, 2014, 214-215: 19-24.

9. Chen, F.S.*, Fahey, T.J., Yuan, M.Y., Gan, L. Key nitrogen cycling processes in pine plantations along a short urban-rural gradient in Nanchang, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2010, 259: 477-486.

10. Chen, F.S.*, Feng, X., Liang, C. Endogenous versus exogenous nutrient affects C, N, and P dynamics in decomposing litters in mid-subtropical forests of China. Ecological Research, 2012, 27: 923-932.

11. Chen, F.S.*, Li, X., Nagle, G., Zhan, S.X. Topsoil phosphorus signature in five forest types along an urban-suburban-rural gradient in Nanchang, southern China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2010, 21: 39-44.

12. Chen, F.S.*, Niklas, K.J., Chen, G.S., Guo, D.L. Leaf traits and relationships differ with season as well as among species groupings in a managed Southeastern China forest landscape. Plant Ecology, 2012, 213: 1489-1502. (12, 20220102)

13. Chen, F.S.*, Niklas, K.J., Liu, Y., Fang, X.M., Wan, S.Z., Wang, H.M. Nitrogen and phosphorus additions alter nutrient dynamics but not resorption efficiencies of Chinese fir leaves and twigs differing in age. Tree Physiology, 2015, 35 (10): 1106-1117. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv076.

14. Chen, F.S.*, Yavitt, J., Hu, X.F. Phosphorus enrichment helps increase soil carbon mineralization in vegetation along an urban-to-rural gradient, Nanchang, China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2014, 75: 181-188.

15. Chen, F.S.*, Zeng, D.H., Fahey, T.J., Liao, P.F. Organic carbon in soil physical fractions under different-aged plantations of Mongolian pine in semi-arid region of Northeast China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 44: 42-48.

16. Chen, F.S.*, Zeng, D.H., Fahey, T.J., Yao, C.Y., Yu, Z.Y. Response of leaf anatomy of Chenopodium acuminatum to soil resource availability in a semi-arid grassland. Plant Ecology, 2010, 209: 375-382.

17. Chen, F.S., Niklas, K.J., Zeng, D.H*. Important foliar traits depend on species-grouping: analysis of a remnant temperate forest at the Keerqin Sandy Lands, China. Plant and Soil, 2011, 340: 337-345.

18. Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H.*, Fahey, T.J. Changes in soil nitrogen availability due to stand development and management practices on semi-arid sandy lands, in northern China. Land Degradation & Development, 2009, 20: 481-491.

19. Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H.*, He, X.Y. Small-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vegetation properties in semi-arid northern China. Pedosphere, 2006, 16(6): 778-787.

20. Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H.*, Hu, X.F., Chen, G.S., Yu, Z.Y. Soil animals and nitrogen mineralization under sand-fixation plantations. Journal of Forestry Research, 2007, 18(1): 73-77.

21. Chen, F.S., Zeng, D.H.*, Zhou, B., Singh, A.N., Fan, Z.P. Seasonal variation in soil nitrogen availability under Mongolian pine plantations in Keerqin Sand Lands, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2006, 67: 226-239.

22. Fan, J., Wang, J.Y., Hu, X.F., Chen, F.S.* Seasonal dynamics of soil nitrogen availability and phosphorus fractions under urban forest remnants of different vegetation communities in Southern China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2014, 13: 576-585.

23. Fang XM, Wang GG, Xu Z-J, Zong Y-Y, Zhang X-L, Li J-J, Wang HM, Chen F-S*. Litter addition and understory removal influenced soil organic carbon quality and mineral nitrogen supply in a subtropical plantation forest. Plant and Soil, 2021, 460(1), 527-540. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-020-04787-8 (2, 20220102)

24. Fang XM, Zhang XL, Chen F-S*, Zong Y-Y, Bu W-S, Wan S-Z, Luo YQ, Wang HM, Phosphorus addition alters the response of soil organic carbon decomposition to nitrogen deposition in a subtropical forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 133: 119–128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.03.005. (16, 20220102)

25. Fang X-M, Zhang X-L, Zong Y-Y, Li W-Q, Li J-J, Guo L-P, Wang H-M, Chen F-S*. Responses of leaf litter decomposability to nitrogen and phosphorus additions are associated with cell wall carbohydrate composition in a subtropical plantation. Plant and Soil, 2021, 467(1-2): 359-372 http://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05099-1.

26. Fang, X.M., Chen, F.S.*, Hu, X.F., Yuan, P.C., Li, J., Chen, X. Aluminum and nutrient interplay across an age-chronosequence of tea plantations within a hilly red soil farm of subtropical China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 60: 448-459. DOI:10.1080/00380768.2014.912950

27. Fang, X.M., Chen, F.S.*, Wan, S.Z., Yang, Q.P., Shi, J.M. Topsoil and deep soil organic carbon concentration and stability vary with aggregate size and vegetation type in subtropical China. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(9): e0139380. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139380

28. Fang, X.M., Christenson, L., Wang, F.C., Zeng, J.P., Chen, F.S.* Pine caterpillar outbreak and stand density impacts on nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics and their stoichiometry in Masson pine plantation in subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2016, 46: 601–609. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2015-0357

29. Fang, X.-M., Zhang, X.-L., Zong, Y.-Y., Zhang, Y., Wan, S.-Z., Bu, W.-S., Chen, F.-S.*. Soil phosphorus functional fractions and tree tissue nutrient concentrations influenced by stand density in subtropical Chinese fir plantation forests. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(10): e0186905. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186905

30. Fangchao Wang#, Qiao Liu #, Xiaofei Hu*, Xiang-Min Fang, Shengnan Wang, Fu-Sheng Chen*. Divergent responses of soil microbial community to long-term nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation. Catena, 2024, 242, 108132

31. Fawad Zaman, Wajid Ali Khattak, Muhammad Ihtisham, Muhammad Ilyas, Ahmad Ali, Abbas Ali, Haroon Khan, Khalid Ali Khan, Dejiang Ni, Hua Zhao*, Fu-Sheng Chen*. Assessing the health risks of heavy metals and seasonal minerals fluctuations in Camellia sinensis cultivars during their growth seasons. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2024, 187: 114586

32. He, P.#, Wan, S.Z.#, Fang, XM., Wang, F.C., Chen, F.S.* Exogenous nutrients and carbon resource change the responses of soil organic matter decomposition and nitrogen immobilization to nitrogen deposition. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 23717; doi:10.1038/srep23717.

33. Hu, X.F., Chen, F.S.*, Nagle, G., Fang, Y.T., Yu, M.Q. Soil phosphorus fractions and tree phosphorus resorption in pine forests along an urban-to-rural gradient in Nanchang, China. Plant and Soil, 2011, 346: 97-106.

34. Hu, X.F., Chen, F.S.*, Wine, M.L., Fang, X.M. Increasing acidity of rain in subtropical tea plantation alters aluminum and nutrient distributions at the root-soil interface and in plant tissues. Plant and Soil, 2017, 417:261–274. DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3256-3.

35. Hu, X.F., Wu, A.-Q., Wang, F.-C., Chen, F.-S*. The effects of simulated acid rain on internal nutrient cycling and the ratios of Mg, Al, Ca, N, and P in tea plants of a subtropical plantation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 191:99; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-019-7248-z

36. Kuan Liang, Yong Lin, Tiantian Zheng, Fangchao Wang, Yuandong Cheng, Shennan Wang, Chao Liang, Fu-Sheng Chen*. Enhanced home-field advantage in deep soil organic carbon decomposition: Insights from soil transplantation in subtropical forests. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171596

37. Liu Q#, Wang FC#, Liu R, Hu XF, Wang HM, Chen F-S*. Aboveground litter input alters the effects of understory vegetation removal on soil microbial communities and enzyme activities along a 60-cm profile in a subtropical plantation forest. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 104489, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2022.104489

38. Liu R, Zhang Y, Hu X-F, Wan SZ, Wang HM, Liang C, Chen F-S*. Litter manipulation effects on microbial communities and enzymatic activities vary with soil depth in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 480: 118641 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118641 (2, 20220102)

39. Ren, W., Chen, F.S.*, Hu, X.F., Yu, M.Q., Feng, X. Soil nitrogen transformations varied with plant community under Nanchang urban forests in mid-subtropical zone of China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2011, 22(4): 569-576.

40. Wan S-Z, Chen F-S*, Hu X-F, Zhang Y, Fang X-M. Urbanization aggravates imbalances in the active C, N and P pools of terrestrial ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00831.

41. Wan, S.Z., Gu, H.J., Yang, Q.P., Hu, X.F., Fang, X.M., Chen, F.S.* Long-term fertilization increases soil nutrient accumulations but decreases biological activity in navel orange orchards of subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17:2346 -2356, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1439-9.

42. Wang F-C, Chen F-S*, Fang XM, Wang HM, Hu X-F*. Phosphorus addition regulates the growth of Chinese fir by changing needle nitrogen fractions in growing and dormant seasons. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 852, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158230

43. Wang F-C, Fang XM, Wang GG*, Mao R, Lin XF, Wang, HM, Chen F-S*. Effects of nutrient addition on foliar phosphorus fractions and nutrient resorption in different-age leaves of Chinese fir in subtropical China. Plant and Soil, 2019, 443: 41–54. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-019-04221-8

44. Wang J-L, Li Q-K, Fu X-L, Dai X-Q, Kou L, Xu M-J, Chen S-F, Chen F-S*, Wang H-M*. Mechanisms driving ecosystem carbon sequestration in a Chinese fir plantation: nitrogen versus phosphorus fertilization. European Journal of Forest Research, 2019, 138: 863–873 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-019-01208-z

45. Wang S-N, Hu Y-P, Chen J-L, Qi L-L, Zeng H, Ding H, Huo G-H, Zhang L-P, Chen F-S*, Yan J-Q*. First record of the rare genus Typhrasa (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) from China with description of two new species MycoKeys 2021, 79: 119–128. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.79.63700

46. Wang, F.C., Fang, X.M., Ding, Z.Q., Wan, S.Z., Chen, F.S.* Effects of understory plant root growth into the litter layer on the leaf litter decomposition of two woody species in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 364, 39-45. doi.org/10/1016/j.foreco.2016.01.003.

47. Wang, F.C., Wang, G.G., Mao, R., Fang, X.M., Wang, H.M., Bu, W.S., Chen, F.S.* Effect of simulated nitrogen deposition on nutrients and nonstructural carbohydrates of major understory plants in a Chinese fir plantation of subtropical China. Forests, 2019, 10, 155; doi:10.3390/f10020155

48. Wu AQ, Hu XF, Wang FC, Guo CL, Wang HM, Chen F-S*. Nitrogen deposition and phosphorus addition alter mobility of trace elements in subtropical forests in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 781, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146778

49. Xuemin Ye, Wensheng Bu, Xiaofei Hu, Fangchao Wang, Rongxi Sun, Pengcheng He, Xingyun Liang, Fusheng Chen*. Are small trees more responsive to nutrient addition than large trees in an evergreen broadleaved forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2023, 543, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121129

50. Ye X-M#, Zhang Y#, Chen F-S*, Fang X-M, Lin X-F, Wan S-Z, He P, Wang GG. The effects of simulated deposited nitrogen on nutrient dynamics in decomposing litters across a wide quality spectrum using a 15N tracing technique. Plant and Soil, 2019, 442:141–156. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019-04158-y

51. Ye XM, Bu WS, Hu XF, Liu B, Liang K, Chen F-S*. Species divergence in seedling leaf traits and tree growth response to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a subtropical broadleaved evergreen forest. Journal of Forestry Research, 2021, 10.1007/s11676-021-01437-2

52. Ye XM, Wang FC, Hu XF, Lin Y, Sun RX, Liang X, Chen FS.* Experimental approach alters N and P addition effects on leaf traits and growth rate of subtropical Schima superba seedlings. Forests, 2022,13,141. https:// doi.org/10.3390/f13020141

53. Yong Lin#, Cheng-Kang Xia#, Gao-Yang Wu, Sheng-Nan Wang, Yuan-Qiu Liu, Fu-Sheng Chen*. Replanting of broadleaved trees alters internal nutrient cycles of native and exotic pines in subtropical plantations of China. Forest Ecosystems, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100067

54. Zou, L.Q., Chen, F.S.*, Duncan, D., Fang, X.M., Wang, H.M. Reforestation and slope position effects on nitrogen, phosphorus pools and carbon stability of various soil aggregates in a red soil hilly land of subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2015, 45: 26-35. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2014-0275

55. Bin Liu, Cancan Zhang, Jun Deng, Bowen Zhang, Fusheng Chen, Wei Chen, Xiangmin Fang, Jianjun Li, Kuiling Zu, Wensheng Bu*. Response of tree growth to nutrient addition is size dependent in a subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 923: 171501

56. Bin Xu, Xueli Jiang, Yingying Zong, G. Geoff Wang, Fusheng Chen, Zhenyu Zhao, Xiangmin Fang*. The storage and utilization of carbohydrates in response to elevation mediated by tree organs in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. Forest Ecosystems, 2024, 11: 100167

57. Chao Huang#, Shun Li#, Hong S. He, Yu Liang, Wenru Xu, Mia M. Wu, Zhiwei Wu, Cheng Huang, Fusheng Chen. Effects of forest management practices on carbon dynamics of China's boreal forests under changing climates. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 335, 117497, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117497.

58. Chen, G. S., Zeng, D. H.*, Chen, F. S. Concentrations of foliar and surface soil in nutrients of Pinus sp. plantations in relation to species and stand age in Zhangutai sandy land, northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2004, 15(1): 11-18.

59. Cui, L.F., Liang, C.*, Duncan, D.S., Bao, X.L., Xie, H.T., He, H.B., Wickings, K., Zhang, X.D., Chen, F.S. Impacts of vegetation type and climatic zone on neutral sugar distribution in natural forest soils. Geoderma, 2016, 282:139-146.

60. Dong, W.Y., Zhang, X.Y.*, Liu, X.Y., Fu, X.L., Chen, F.S., Wang, H.M., Sun, X.M., Wen, X.F. Responses of soil microbial communities and enzyme activities to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Chinese fir plantations of subtropical China. Biogeosciences, 2015, 12, 5537-5546. doi:10.5194/bg-12-5537-2015

61. Fang, Y.T.*, Gundersen, P., Vogt, R.D., Koba, K., Chen, F.S., Chen, X.Y., Yoh, M. Atmospheric deposition and leaching of nitrogen in Chinese forest ecosystems. Journal of Forest Research, 2011, 16(5): 341-350.

62. Feng J; Chen FS, Tang F; Wang F; Liang K, He L, Huang C.* The Trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services in Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province, China. Forests 2022, 13, 416. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13030416

63. Fu, X.L., Guo, D.L., Wang, H.M.*, Dai, X.Q., Li, M.L., Chen, F.S. Differentiating between root- and leaf-litter controls on the structure and stability of soil micro-food webs. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2017. 113, 192-200.

64. Gao, P., Liu, Z. X.*, Chen, F. S. The runoff characteristics and harmonic analysis of the soil moisture dynamics in Robinia pseudoacacia stand. Journal of Forestry Research, 2003, 14(4):295-298.

65. Gu H-J, Zhang C-C, Chen F-S, Huang J-H, Wang J-S, Bruelheide H, Trogisch S, Fang X-M, Li J-J, Bu W-S*. The bamboo rhizome evolution in China is driven by geographical isolation and trait differentiation. Forests 2021, 12, 1280. https://doi.org/10.3390/ f12091280

66. Huang C*, Feng JY, Tang FR, He HS, Liang Y, Wu MM., Xu WR, Liu B, Shi FX, Chen FS. Predicting the responses of boreal forests to climate-fire-vegetation interactions in Northeast China. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2022, 153, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105410.

67. Kuiling Zu*, Cancan Zhang, Fusheng Chen, Zhiyong Zhang, Shahid Ahmad, Ghulam Nabi. Latitudinal gradients of angiosperm plant diversity and phylogenetic structure in China’s nature reserves. Global Ecology and Conservation 2023, 42: e02403

68. Kuiling Zu, Zhiheng Wang, Jonathan Lenoir, Zehao Shen, Fusheng Chen, Nawal Shrestha. 2022. Different range shifts and determinations of elevational redistributions of native and non-native plant species in Jinfo Mountain of subtropical China. Ecological Indicators, 145, 109678.

69. Li W-Q, Huang Y-X, Chen F-S, Liu Y-Q, Lin X-F, Zong Y-Y, Wu G-Y, Yu Z-R, Fang X-Min*. Mixing with broad-leaved trees shapes the rhizosphere soil fungal communities of coniferous tree species in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118664.

70. Li, L.*, McCormack, M.L., Chen, F.-S., Wang, H.-M., Ma, Z.-Q.*, Guo, D.-L. Different responses of absorptive roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to fertilization provide diverse nutrient acquisition strategies in Chinese fir. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 433(1): 64-72.

71. Ma, Z.Q., Zhang, X.Y.*, Zhang, C., Wang, H.M., Chen, F.S., Fu, X.L., Fang, X.M., Sun, X.M., Lei, Q.L. Accumulation of residual soil microbial carbon in Chinese fir plantation soils after nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29 (4): 953-962.

72. Niu Y, Zhang MY, Bai SH, Xu ZH, Liu YQ, Chen FS, Guo XM, Luo HD, Wang SL, Xie JY, Yuan X. Successive mineral nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization alone significantly altered bacterial community rather than bacterial biomass in plantation soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104(16): 7213-7224.

73. Niu Y, Zhang MY, Bai SH, Xu ZH, Liu YQ, Chen FS, Guo XM, Zhang L, Luo HD, Zhang Q. Mineral fertilization and soil depth slightly affected aggregate structures despite significantly altered microbial properties in surface forest soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20(10): 3615-3626.

74. Qiu LJ, Zhang Y, Mao R, Chen FS, Liu J, Yang GY, Wan SZ*. Understory removal accelerates nucleic phosphorus release but retards residual phosphorus release in decomposing litter of Phyllostachys edulis in subtropical China. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3942.

75. Shuang Liu, Xinyu Zhang*, Huimin Wang, Jennifer A.J. Dungait, Junxiao Pan, Ian D.E.A. Lidbury, Zeqing Ma, Fusheng Chen, Yuqian Tang. Seven-year N and P inputs regulate soil microbial communities via bottom-up effects on carbon and nutrient supply and top-down effects on protist relative abundance. Forest Ecology and Management, 2024, 552: 121582

76. Singh, A.N.*, Zeng, D.H., Chen, F.S. Heavy metal concentrations in redeveloping soil of mine spoil under plantations of certain native woody species in dry tropical environment, India. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(1): 168-174.

77. Singh, A.N., Zeng, D.H.*, Chen, F.S. Effect of young woody plantations on carbon and nutrient accumulation rates in redeveloping soil of coalmine spoil in dry tropical environment, India. Land Degradation & Development, 2006, 17:13-21.

78. Tang, Y.Q., Zhang, X.Y.*, Li, D.D., Wang, H.M., Chen, F.S., Fu, X.L., Fang, X.M., Sun X.M., Yu, G.R. Impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on the abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizers and denitrifying bacteria in Chinese fir plantations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2016, 103: 284-293.

79. Tang, Yuqian; Zhang, Xinyu*; Wang, Huimin; Meng, Shengwang; Yang, Fengting; Chen, Fusheng; Wang, Shaoqiang; Dong, Qingxin; Wang, Jing*. Warming causes variability in SOM decomposition in N- and P-fertiliser-treated soil in a subtropical coniferous forest. European Journal of Soil Science, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13320

80. Wang S, Yuan X, Zhang L, Chen FS, Fang X, Liu X, Deng B, Shad N, Zhang W, Hu XF, Guo X, Siemann E. (2022). Litter age interacted with N and P addition to impact soil N2O emissions in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(4), 771-782. http://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtab111

81. Xiaodong Wang#, Anqi Wu#, Fu-Sheng Chen, Xiangmin Fang, Huimin Wang, Fangchao Wang*. Contrasting effects of nitrogen deposition and phosphorus addition on soil organic carbon in a subtropical forest: physical protection versus chemical stability. Forests 2024, 15, 385. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15020385

82. Xiong, Y.M.*, Xu, X.L., Zeng, H., Wang, H.M., Chen, F.S., Guo, D.L.* Low nitrogen retention in soil and litter under conditions without plants in a subtropical pine plantation, Forests 2015, 6, 1-xmanuscripts; doi:10.3390/f60x000x

83. Yang, Y., Zhang, X.Y.*, Zhang, C., Wang, H.M., Fu, X.L., Chen, F.S., Wan, S.Z., Sun, X.M., Wen, X.F., Wang, J.F. Understory vegetation plays the key role in sustaining soil microbial biomass and extracellular enzyme activities. Biogeosciences, 2018, 15: 4481-4494.

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